Achievements made in Beijing basic data systems pilot zone


On July 4th, the 2024 Global Digital Economy Conference Data Elements High-level Forum was held in Beijing. During the event, several significant digital initiatives were announced, including the launch of the ChainMaker Data Circulation and Value-added Collaboration Network, the unveiling of the National Brain Health Public Data Platform, and the launch of the Public Data Training Base pilot program.


The ChainMaker Data Circulation and Value-added Collaboration Network, jointly built by over ten research institutions and leading domestic IT companies, including the Beijing Academy of Blockchain and Edge Computing and the Beijing Yizhuang Smart City Research Institute Co, aims to establish a core node of national data circulation infrastructure in Beijing and create a secure transmission channel and trusted collaboration environment for data circulation throughout the city.


Meanwhile, the Public Data Training Base pilot program, jointly promoted by the Beijing Municipal Government Affairs Data Administration, the Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area (BDA), and Beijing International Computing Service Co., Ltd., was officially launched. A partner recruitment plan was also initiated to gather innovative large-scale model application scenarios from various sectors of society, accelerating the development of AI large-scale model technology and its industrial application.

With support from various parties, the Public Data Training Base has formed the first batch of 5, 18 typical application scenarios in five directions, covering sub-sectors such as government services, government affairs, urban governance, and urban security perception.


The National Brain Health Public Data Platform, jointly promoted by the China National Clinical Research Center for Neurological Diseases and Beijing International Computing Service Co., Ltd., was officially unveiled, marking the establishment of Beijing's first brain health medical data public service platform in E-Town.

In the future, the platform aims to serve two main aspects: to provide safe and reliable research data for scientific research institutions, and to open to enterprises for data governance, data annotation, medical analysis, the development of large-scale models, and the discovery of new drug targets.

Looking ahead, E-Town will continue to leverage its policy and resource advantages to contribute to the development of Beijing basic data systems pilot zone and achieve new milestones in this endeavor.

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